Jed Smith - JedSmithArt

My soul needs to paint. I’ve learned to trust its urgings, its choices of subjects. My paintings and my photographs are my way of journaling openly, without words. I’m grateful for the world of artists, present and past, who inspire me to keep going and to keep leaning into my unique voice and individual style.

I’ve been creating my entire life. My artist mother (and art teacher) made sure of it by putting pencils, paints, crayons, clay, etc., in my hands before I’d even entered kindergarten.

I graduated with a BFA (magna cum laude and general honors) from the University of Georgia’s prestigious graphic design school. And while I entered the world of marketing and advertising to apply these skills, I’ve never stopped drawing and painting.

One mission of mine was to become an accomplished watercolorist (not an easy task!). In 1999 I was honored to become a Signature Member of the National Watercolor Society, a designation bestowed by invitation only of a special jury. My paintings have garnered awards like the Gold Award (First Place) at the 1999 National Exhibition of the Georgia Watercolor Society for “A Study in Blue.”

In 2013 I left my career in creative marketing to move to Italy, where I now live and paint full-time. I’ve also transitioned to working mostly in oil, given my desire to create larger-scale paintings. Today, I’m well “immersed” in my water series paintings that pay tribute to the human form in water.

To contact me or learn more about my paintings or photography, click here for the CONTACT FORM.